This year marks the 10th anniversary of the iPhone. In the decade since that introduction, the world has drastically changed as people increasingly expect the power of a full computer in their pocket. Whether it is with an iOS device or an Android one, consumers have fully adopted the mobile lifestyle, moving away from computers as the main means of delivery for a variety of experiences.

And yet, our industry still expect case workers to key-in critical information into computer systems in the same way as they have done for years. With some states seeing case workers spending as much as 20-30% of their time on administrative tasks, this means that a large portion of the social services workforce is still sitting at a desk, away from their critical customers in the field, re-keying information about assessments and investigations they have gathered either in a paper notebook or on a mobile device.

Anecdotal evidence has shown that many of the newer case workers are capturing notes and pictures on their phones and then entering this information into computer systems back at the office.
But what if we gave them tools that bridged the gap between what they do in the field and what they need to enter into systems? What if we reduced data re-entry and took away time from administrative tasks by ensuring they can easily connect to the necessary information through mobile apps?

Just as Casebook broke new ground by creating a person-centric approach to the child welfare space, we are now taking the lead by providing some of the first tools to bring human services software into the 21st century. And just as mobile conquered the consumer and enterprise software world, we believe that it is now time for government technology to catch-up and become mobile.

Our first offering focuses on note and picture taking within an assessment. Over the next year, we will unveil more mobile offerings that are consistent with the demands of today’s mobile workforce.

At Casebook PBC, we see mobile as the glue to today’s modern software experience, a feature that every system should have, creating a direct connection to the information workers in the field access. With US smartphone penetration having now reached north of 80%, it is imperative for our industry to make the leap to mobile immediately.

At Casebook PBC, we understand the urgency in getting mobile experiences in the hands of social workers. Fortunately, our existing development teams have experience in the mobile space, with many of our people coming from companies that have built apps in the past. We intend on leveraging our expertise in the field to help bring the best possible mobile experience in the field and are truly excited to provide transformative mobile software to drive improved outcomes in humans services.