If your organization’s workflow process isn’t paperless, you may be exposing yourself and your clients to easily avoidable security risks.
There are many benefits of a paperless process, but what you may not consider are some basic ways in which relying on paper versions of forms, files, and essential documents leave your organization and clients potentially vulnerable.
Here are three ways your organization can data security with a paperless process.

Files Can't Be Misplaced or Lost
Without filing cabinets full of paper forms, your team can’t lose track of important documents, historical information, or miscategorize files. Digital forms and document upload allow for almost instant access to the information you need, improving efficiency – but also makes sure nothing is ever lost from a client file.

No Information Lives on Device Storage or Paper Files
During home studies, facility inspection, or other out-of-office activities, your team could have sensitive information on paper files or device storage – potentially exposing your client and organization to liability. A digitized process in-the-field should include instant upload and sync to a secure cloud vs. hosting any data on the physical device storage. This allows for both better note-taking, data fidelity, and security for your client forms and scanned documents.

When Crisis Strikes, it Won't Impact Your Data, Files or Workflow
Flooding, fires, storms, (oh my!). The point is whether man-made or a natural disaster, when crisis strikes, you shouldn’t be worried about your client files. Not having a digitized process leaves your organization’s paper-based data liable to damage or destruction. Your insurance may cover your losses, but without an offsite server and data redundancy, you can’t recover critical information lost to the disaster. Your data being safely on the cloud also means your team can get back to helping your clients, which is especially important during a time of uncertainty. Cloud-based data solutions mean your data is always safe, secure, available and reliable.